Weather (KIAH): Temperature 13.2° (1.9° higher than normal), min. 12°, max. 14°, min. over preceding two weeks is -1°. Wind speed 9.3 km/hour. Precipitation 0.0 mm, preceding two weeks 75% normal, preceding two months 88% normal.
Orange droplets on some thin white corticioid fungus on underside of an oak log near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Guttation (exudation of water droplets) on some thin white corticioid fungus on underside of an oak log on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Close-up of orange droplets on some thin white corticioid fungus on underside of an oak log on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Some thin white corticioid fungus on underside of an oak log exuding orange water droplets on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a broken end of a small (around 20 cm in diameter) fallen oak (could be other tree) on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Slightly dried woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a broken end of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Underside of slightly dried woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a broken end of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Gills of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Caps of slightly dried woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a broken end of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Young woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on underside of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Partially dried caps of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a broken end of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on underside of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Gills of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a side of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Large number of caps of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a broken end of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Caps and mycelium of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a broken end of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Underside of caps of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Close-up of caps and mycelium of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a broken end of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Pattern of caps of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on underside of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Cluster of caps of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on underside of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Overlapping caps of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on underside of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Small and large caps of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on a broken end of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Young caps and mycelium of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on underside of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Dense caps of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on underside of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Emerging caps and mycelium of woolly oyster mushrooms (Hohenbuehelia mastrucata) on underside of a fallen oak on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Yellowing curtain crust mushrooms (Stereum subtomentosum) on a fallen oak near a creek on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Overlapping crust mushrooms Stereum subtomentosum on a fallen oak near a creek on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Pattern of yellowing curtain crust mushrooms (Stereum subtomentosum) on a fallen oak near a creek on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Mature Hebeloma(?) mushrooms on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Pink resupinate polypore mushroom exuding water droplets under a fallen oak(?) branch on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Guttation of pink resupinate polypore mushroom under a fallen oak(?) branch on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Close-up of pink resupinate polypore mushroom exuding water droplets under a fallen oak(?) branch on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Texture of pink resupinate polypore mushroom with small pores under a fallen oak(?) branch on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 Lone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Bonnet (Mycena) mushrooms on a wet fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Bonnet (Mycena) mushrooms on a mossy pine log on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Bonnet (Mycena) mushrooms on a large pine log on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Underside of bonnet (Mycena) mushrooms on a large pine log on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Close-up of bonnet (Mycena) mushrooms on a mossy pine log on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa covering large area on a side of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on a side surface of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Details of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on a side surface of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Orange resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on a side surface of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Pores of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on a side surface of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Margin area of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on a side surface of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Texture of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on a side surface of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Cross section of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on a side surface of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Pine needles on resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on a side surface of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on a side surface of a fallen pine on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Poison pie mushrooms (Hebeloma crustuliniforme) in a pine forest on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Underside of poison pie mushrooms (Hebeloma crustuliniforme) on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Side view of poison pie mushrooms (Hebeloma crustuliniforme) on North Wilderness Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, December 27, 2020 N Wilderness Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
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