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Blushing false truffle

Fungi: Basidiomycota: Agaricomycetes: Boletales: Rhizopogonaceae: Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Th.Fr.

Rhizopogon roseolus – blushing false truffle

Synonyms: Hysterangium clathroides, Hysterangium rubescens, Hysterangium stoloniferum, Hysterangium vulgaris, Hysteromyces vulgaris, Melanogaster berkeleyanus, Rhizopogon luteolus, Rhizopogon luteorubescens, Rhizopogon provincialis, Rhizopogon rubescens, Rhizopogon sulphureus, Rhizopogon vittadinii, Rhizopogon vulgaris, Rhizopogon webbi, Splanchnomyces roseolus.

Common name: blushing false truffle.

Extract from Wikipedia article: Rhizopogon roseolus is an ectomycorrhizal fungus used as a soil inoculant in agriculture and horticulture. It is considered a delicacy in east Asia and Japan where it is traditionally known as shoro. Techniques for the commercial cultivation of this fungus in pine plantations have been developed and applied with successful results in Japan and New Zealand.

Catalan: Fetjó, Estonian: Punakas juurepähkel, German: Rötliche Wurzeltrüffel, Japanese: ショウロ, Polish: Piestrówka różowawa, Swedish: Rodnande hartryffel.

AI-generated description

Rhizopogon roseolus is a species of fungus that belongs to the family Rhizopogonaceae. It is a subterranean fungus that forms mycorrhizal associations with trees, particularly pines. In East and Central Texas, R. roseolus has been found in association with loblolly pine and shortleaf pine, typically fruiting in late summer to early fall. The fungus produces small, pinkish to reddish-brown sporocarps that are irregularly shaped and waxy in texture, often growing in clusters or singly beneath the soil surface or at the base of trees.

Photos of this mushroom from East and Central Texas

<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B> (Rhizopogon rubescens) mushroom on burnt ground in a pine forest on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2018-04-22.htm">April 22, 2018</A>
LinkRhizopogon roseolus (Rhizopogon rubescens) mushroom on burnt ground in a pine forest on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville, Texas, April 22, 2018
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Dissected mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B> (Rhizopogon rubescens) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2018-04-22.htm">April 22, 2018</A>
LinkDissected mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus (Rhizopogon rubescens) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville, Texas, April 22, 2018
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B> (Rhizopogon rubescens) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2018-09-23.htm">September 23, 2018</A>
LinkMushroom Rhizopogon roseolus (Rhizopogon rubescens) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, September 23, 2018
Location on mapsLittle Lake Creek Loop Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
False truffle mushrooms <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B> (Rhizopogon rubescens) beside pine roots on Lone Star Hiking Trail south from Stubblefield Campground in Sam Houston National Forest. Huntsville, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2018-10-13.htm">October 13, 2018</A>
LinkFalse truffle mushrooms Rhizopogon roseolus (Rhizopogon rubescens) beside pine roots on Lone Star Hiking Trail south from Stubblefield Campground in Sam Houston National Forest. Huntsville, Texas, October 13, 2018
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Dissected false truffle mushrooms <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B> (Rhizopogon rubescens) on Lone Star Hiking Trail south from Stubblefield Campground in Sam Houston National Forest. Huntsville, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2018-10-13.htm">October 13, 2018</A>
LinkDissected false truffle mushrooms Rhizopogon roseolus (Rhizopogon rubescens) on Lone Star Hiking Trail south from Stubblefield Campground in Sam Houston National Forest. Huntsville, Texas, October 13, 2018
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
False truffle mushrooms <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B> (Rhizopogon rubescens) on mossy exposed soil in a ditch on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2019-12-07.htm">December 7, 2019</A>
LinkFalse truffle mushrooms Rhizopogon roseolus (Rhizopogon rubescens) on mossy exposed soil in a ditch on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, December 7, 2019
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Cleveland, TX 77328, USA
Cross section of false truffle mushrooms <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B> (Rhizopogon rubescens) on mossy exposed soil in a ditch on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2019-12-07.htm">December 7, 2019</A>
LinkCross section of false truffle mushrooms Rhizopogon roseolus (Rhizopogon rubescens) on mossy exposed soil in a ditch on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, December 7, 2019
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Cleveland, TX 77328, USA
Mushrooms <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B> (Rhizopogon rubescens) on mossy exposed soil in a deep ditch on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2019-12-07.htm">December 7, 2019</A>
LinkMushrooms Rhizopogon roseolus (Rhizopogon rubescens) on mossy exposed soil in a deep ditch on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, December 7, 2019
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Cleveland, TX 77328, USA
Cross section of blushing false truffle mushroom (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>) on Forest Road 203 on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2021-08-28.htm">August 28, 2021</A>
LinkCross section of blushing false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon roseolus) on Forest Road 203 on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, August 28, 2021
Location on mapsForest Rd 203, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Blushing false truffle mushroom (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>) on Forest Road 203 on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2021-08-28.htm">August 28, 2021</A>
LinkBlushing false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon roseolus) on Forest Road 203 on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, August 28, 2021
Location on mapsForest Rd 203, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA
Blushing false truffle mushroom (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>)(?) on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2021-12-19.htm">December 19, 2021</A>
LinkBlushing false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon roseolus)(?) on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 19, 2021
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Walker County, Texas, United States
False truffle mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?) on South Wilderness Loop Trail at Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2022-01-01.htm">January 1, 2022</A>
LinkFalse truffle mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus(?) on South Wilderness Loop Trail at Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, January 1, 2022
Location on mapsLittle Lake Creek Loop Trail, Montgomery County, Texas, 77873, United States
Blushing false truffle mushroom (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>) near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2022-05-07.htm">May 7, 2022</A>
LinkBlushing false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon roseolus) near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, May 7, 2022
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery County, Texas, United States
Blushing false truffle mushroom (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>) in cross section near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2022-05-07.htm">May 7, 2022</A>
LinkBlushing false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon roseolus) in cross section near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, May 7, 2022
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery County, Texas, United States
Dissected blushing false truffle mushroom (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>) near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2022-05-07.htm">May 7, 2022</A>
LinkDissected blushing false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon roseolus) near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, May 7, 2022
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery County, Texas, United States
Spores of a fungus <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B> collected 2 meters from bonfire, in iodine solution, in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, May 7, 2022
LinkSpores of a fungus Rhizopogon roseolus collected 2 meters from bonfire, in iodine solution, in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, May 7, 2022
Blushing false truffle mushrooms (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>) found at mushroom walk of GSMS in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2022-06-04.htm">June 4, 2022</A>
LinkBlushing false truffle mushrooms (Rhizopogon roseolus) found at mushroom walk of GSMS in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, June 4, 2022
Location on mapsSan Jacinto County, Texas, United States
Cross section of blushing false truffle mushrooms (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>) found at mushroom walk of GSMS in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2022-06-04.htm">June 4, 2022</A>
LinkCross section of blushing false truffle mushrooms (Rhizopogon roseolus) found at mushroom walk of GSMS in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, June 4, 2022
Location on mapsSan Jacinto County, Texas, United States
Blushing false truffle mushroom (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?)) near exposed pine roots, on a descending trail on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2023-10-28.htm">October 28, 2023</A>
LinkBlushing false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon roseolus(?)) near exposed pine roots, on a descending trail on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 28, 2023
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery County, Texas, United States
Blushing false truffle mushroom (<B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?)) with cross section near pine roots on a trail on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2023-10-28.htm">October 28, 2023</A>
LinkBlushing false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon roseolus(?)) with cross section near pine roots on a trail on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 28, 2023
Location on mapsLone Star Hiking Trail, Montgomery County, Texas, United States
Tissues of false truffle mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?) collected in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 28, 2023
LinkTissues of false truffle mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus(?) collected in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 28, 2023
Spores (in Congo Red) of false truffle mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?) collected in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 28, 2023
LinkSpores (in Congo Red) of false truffle mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus(?) collected in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 28, 2023
False truffle mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?) under pines on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2023-11-05.htm">November 5, 2023</A>
LinkFalse truffle mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus(?) under pines on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 5, 2023
Location on mapsLittle Lake Creek Loop Trail, Montgomery County, Texas, 77873, United States
Cross section of false truffle mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?) under pines on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, <A HREF="../date-en/2023-11-05.htm">November 5, 2023</A>
LinkCross section of false truffle mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus(?) under pines on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 5, 2023
Location on mapsLittle Lake Creek Loop Trail, Montgomery County, Texas, 77873, United States
Tissues (with x40 objective) of false truffle mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?) collected a day before on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 6, 2023
LinkTissues (with x40 objective) of false truffle mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus(?) collected a day before on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 6, 2023
Tissues and spores (with x100 objective) of false truffle mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?) collected a day before on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 6, 2023
LinkTissues and spores (with x100 objective) of false truffle mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus(?) collected a day before on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 6, 2023
Basidia of false truffle mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?) collected a day before on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 6, 2023
LinkBasidia of false truffle mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus(?) collected a day before on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 6, 2023
Masses of spores of false truffle mushroom <B>Rhizopogon roseolus</B>(?) collected a day before on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 6, 2023
LinkMasses of spores of false truffle mushroom Rhizopogon roseolus(?) collected a day before on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 6, 2023

AI-generated summary of observations

The fungus Rhizopogon roseolus was observed multiple times in East and Central Texas, specifically in the Sam Houston National Forest. The observations span from April 2018 to November 2023, with most sightings occurring in the forest's pine areas. The mushroom was often found near pine roots, on burnt ground, or in mossy exposed soil. Many of the observations include images of dissected mushrooms, cross-sections, and microscopic views of spores and tissues. Some observations note the mushroom's blushing coloration, while others question the identification with a "(?)" notation. Overall, the observations suggest that Rhizopogon roseolus is relatively common in the Sam Houston National Forest, particularly in areas with pine trees. The repeated sightings over several years provide valuable information on the fungus's habitat and characteristics.


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