Synonyms: Agaricus furfuraceus, Agaricus sobrius, Hylophila pellucida, Hylophila sobria, Naucoria anthracophila, Naucoria furfuracea, Naucoria sobria, Omphalia furfuracea, Psilocybe heterosticha, Tubaria anthracophila, Tubaria heterosticha, Tubaria hiemalis.
Common name: scurfy twiglet.
Extract from Wikipedia article: Tubaria furfuracea, commonly known as the scurfy twiglet or totally tedious tubaria, is a common species of agaric fungus in the family Tubariaceae. It was first described by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in 1801 as a species of Agaricus. French mycologist Claude-Casimir Gillet transferred it to the genus Tubaria in 1876.
Czech: Kržatka otrubičnatá, Dutch: Gewoon donsvoetje, Egyptian Arabic: توباريا فورفوراسيا, Estonian: Talinigerik, German: Gemeiner Trompetenschnitzling, Hungarian: Gyakori szemétgomba, Kashubian: Zëmòwô trąbka, Polish: Trąbka otrębiasta, Russian: Тубария отрубистая, Swedish: Toffelskräling, Welsh: Brigyn cennog.
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